Princeton, New Jersey, United States

Nutrition Ecology - Holistically.

Nourish your Microbiota with a Personalized, Holistic Approach

What We Do

Integrative Nutrition

We evaluate your body ecology and make dietary recommendations based on your specific needs and lifestyle, to optimize your microbio-ecological health.

Microbiome Coaching

We take a personalized approach to promote a healthy microbiota, based on the latest human microbiome research data.

Holistic Approach

Our goal is to promote health and wellbeing using a holistic approach, integrating the latest scientific findings, with healing principles of mind-body medicine and nutrition. 


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Our Services

It starts with you

We evaluate your microbiota with referrals to leaders in the field.

Functional Foods

Based on your personal microbiota composition, we make science-backed recommendations for dietary modifications conductive to a healthier, happier you. 


When diet is not enough, we offer personalized interventions with probiotics, prebiotics, or synbiotics supplementation, as well as functional foods to address your specific needs.

Contact Us


Princeton, New Jersey, United States


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: By appointment

Sunday: Closed

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